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Dr. Armando Fox, professor at UC Berkeley, will be in Almería in September, 17-19, to participate in Sistedes 2012 Conference, where he will give a talk organized by JISBD and JCIS. [ Abstract ] |
Bio: Armando Fox (fox@cs.berkeley.edu) is an Adjunct Associate Professor at UC Berkeley, a co-founder of the Berkeley RAD Lab and Academic Director for Online Education at Berkeley. Prior to that he was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Stanford, and received his PhD, MS and BS degrees at Berkeley, Illinois at MIT respectively. His current research interests include applied statistical machine learning and cloud computing; he is a co-author of the recently released position paper “Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing” and has frequently lectured on this topic. He has published several papers in collaboration with top machine learning researchers on the application of machine learning to diagnosing, characterizing and identifying operational problems in datacenter-scale and cloud computing installations. His 2003 collaboration with David Patterson on Recovery-Oriented Computing earned him the distinction of being included in the “Scientific American 50″ top researchers. He has received teaching awards from the Associated Students of Stanford University, the Society of Women Engineers, and Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society. In previous lives he helped design the Intel Pentium Pro microprocessor and founded a company to commercialize his UC Berkeley dissertation research on mobile computing. |
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Dr. Maribel Fernandez, Professor of Computer Science at King's College London, will be in Almería to participate in Sistedes 2012 Conference, where she will give a talk organized by PROLE. [ Abstract ] |
Bio: Maribel Fernandez is Professor of Computer Science at King's College London. She obtained her PhD in 1993 from the University of Paris-Sud, and her Habilitation in 2000 while she was a Maitre de conferences at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. Her research interests include computation models, specification and programming languages, and the development of tools for the analysis and verification of complex systems. Her expertise is in type systems, semantics and foundations of security, using rewrite-based techniques (term and graph rewriting, and lambda-calculus). |
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