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"Los Millares" is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world of prehistory. It is a Neolithic city populated by over a thousand people and is linked to settlers from the Aegean Sea. Before these settlers arrived there was already a settlement, that is, people already living here and in the valleys of Almería to before 3000 BC. Visitors are welcomed into the reception and information center where through information panels and leaflets depicting life and death of the town, supplemented with an audiovisual presentation focused on the Fort No 1, which is the largest complex of the 13 existing , with two bastions fortified enclosures, small corbels with side doors and two exterior pits. Following the visit is passed to the archaeological site, which begins the necropolis consisting of a hundred graves. |
VISITORS CENTER AMOLADERAS In the presentation of The Visitor Center Amoladeras shows the existence of human settlements in the Natural Park Cabo de Gata-Nijar and its surroundings, from the Neolithic. After these, the various civilizations that inhabited this area along the story, left an important mark in the territory, seeing reflected in the tour of the center. That is the case with traditional uses and craftsmanship of esparto, rugs and pottery, inherited from the Arab culture. The volcanic origin of these mountains, together with the semi-desert climate of the area, determines the existence of unique plant species adapted to extreme situations and in many cases, short-lived. Visitors will find this mosaic of ecosystems, consisting of the Sierra de Gata and the coastal fringe dunes, steppes and saline pools. Another important aspect is the marine area protected that runs parallel to the coast and is one of the most important ecosystems of the park. |
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THE SALT FLATS OF CABO DE GATA Located on the coastal plain sedimentary southwest of the Sierra de Cabo de Gata, are the only salt remaining in industrial activity in eastern Andalucía. Parallel to the shoreline cover an area of approximately 300 acres of floodplain. During the visit and accompanied by an expert guide in biology, we stop at the bird observatory to admire graceful flamingos, herons bold and other migratory species on their way to the African coast. |
The food will be held at the Hotel Los Escullos. This hotel is located in one of the most beautiful province in a unique natural environment and where you can enjoy all the richness of the Mediterranean diet with exceptional views. In addition we offer a bus all the way, tickets and tours described in the program and guides. The afternoon program will end with the return of participants to the hotels. Before you can swim at the beach who wants it. |
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