XII Conference on Programming and Languages (PROLE’12)
September, 18-19 2012, Almería
IV whorkshop on Functional Programming (TPF'12)
September, 17-19 2012, Almería
Prole'12 Objetives
The Conference on Programming and Languages (PROLE) is an appropriate meeting,discussion and communication framework for Spanish groups that research on topics related to programming and programming languages. The celebration of this annual event, born in 2001, aims to promote experiences and results exchange, and communication and cooperation among these groups too. XIIth edition of this Conference (PROLE'12) will be held in Almeria,September, 18-19 2012, preceded by the IVth Workshop on Functional Programming (TPF'12),in parallel with XVIIth Conference on Software Engineering and Databases (JISBD'12) and withVIIIth Conference on Services Science and Engineering. All these events are promoted by the Association of Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies (SISTEDES).
The scope of PROLE includes theoretical and practical works related with specification, design,implementation, analysis and verification of programs and programming languages, including the use of formal methods in all the software development processes. Works related to application development with existing software tools and systems, and demonstrations of such tools and systems, are also welcome.
Topics of interest (Prole'12):
- Programming paradigms. Programming paradigms integration.
- Specification and specification languages. Type systems. Languages and techniques for new programming models.
- Program architectures and interconnection.
- Techniques and tools for programming languages implementation. Programming languages semantics.
- Applications development with existing languages and tools.Demonstrations of software tools and systems.
- Program analysis. Program verification and certification. Program transformation and optimization. Program debugging and testing. Program termination.
- Logics for software development.
- Formal methods in software development processes.
TPF'12 Objectives
In turn, Workshop on Functional Programming aims to be the annual meeting point for the Spanish community of functional programming. Born from the interest of connecting members of that community, this workshop celebrates its fourth edition this year. First edition (TPF'09) was held at San Sebastián, second one (TPF'10) at Valencia and third one (TPF’11) at A Coruña. Although it is associated with PROLE, TPF is an independent and complementary event, with its own format, program committee and specifications for paper submission. According the spirit of a workshop, TPF is an unformal discussion, learning and divulgation forum, including the functional programming whole ecosystem (ideas, problems, works, experiences, applications, etc.). Workshop is organized around seminars on interest topics for its members, along with the presentation of contributions or proposals.
TPF'12 Topics of Interest
TPF topics of interest include:
- Research contributions (initial ideas, in progress, published, etc.)
- Tutorials, presentation of projects in development, programming or advanced concepts 'pearls'.
- Demonstrations or exhibitions of tools, libraries, applications, etc., full or partially implemented using functional programming.
- Experiences of functional programming at industry.
- Teaching experiences, both in functional programming teaching and in the relationship with other disciplines.
- Summaries of student works in degree and master projects.
- Presentation of unsolved problems, participation in project proposals, presentation of job offers, etc.
Type of contributions
Contributions are welcome (both in Spanish and English) in each one of these categories:
- Original papers. Unpublished and not being reviewed in journals, conferences with formal proceedings, etc. (15 pages max).
- Tutorials (18 pages max).
- Tools and software systems demonstrations (10 pages max).
- Top level papers (journals, reputable international conferences, etc.) published in 2012 or to be published (in the publication format and lenght). In this category, the proceedings will include the abstract of the paper.
- Works in progress (15 pages max).
- Works related to Functional Programming Workshop (from one page abstracts to works until 8 pages max).
All submissions will be reviewed at least by two reviewers (general rule include three reviewers) and the finally accepted ones will be published in conference proceedings. As in previous editions, a selection of best English written papers in categories 1, 2 and 3 will be made for its subsequent publication. In this edition, best papers will be published in ECEASST (Electronic Communications of the European Association of Software Science and Technology).
Exceptionally, program committee will consider the possibility of changing the category of papers submitted to categories 1 and 5, according to the previous revision process and/or presentations at the conference; this decision will be communicated to the authors well in advance, for information and possible reconsideration of their proposal.
For any futher information abour contributions, please contact María del Mar Gallardo gallardo@lcc.uma.es (PROLE) o Mateu Villaret villaret@ima.udg.edu (TPF)