PROLE Presentation

XII Conference on Programming and Languages


XII Conference on Programming and Languages

The Conference on Programming and Languages (PROLE) is an appropriate meeting, discussion and communication framework for Spanish groups that research on topics related to programming and programming languages. The celebration of this annual event, born in 2001, aims to promote experiences and results exchange, and communication and cooperation among these groups too. XIIth edition of this Conference (PROLE'12) will be held in Almeria, September, 17-20 2012, with the IVth Workshop on Functional Programming (TPF'12), in parallel with XVIIth Conference on Software Engineering and Databases (JISBD'12. All these events are promoted by the Association of Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies (SISTEDES). The scope of PROLE includes theoretical and practical works related with specification, design, implementation, analysis and verification of programs and programming languages, including the use of formal methods in software development processes. Works related to application development with existing software tools and systems, and demonstrations of such tools and systems, are also welcome.

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